Bmw M3 1987

Bmw M3 1987 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw M3 1987's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $63,500 to $66,400. Overall viewers rating of Bmw M3 1987 is 2.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw M3 1987 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw M3.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Ford Expedition - description, changes, interior, price
Indeed, Ford Expedition model for a long time are asking for an update, but the company didn't make up the mind to this step in any way. It is absolutely not clear for which reasons, but so far sales did not become catastrophic, even the SUV did not receive the minimum restyling. But nevertheless the situation in the market moved the ... read more

Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 - exterior, interior, specs
On June 24th 2015, Alfa Romeo officially presented the company's brand new sedan - Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 in Milan at 105 anniversary of Italian brand which goes to European "D" class category. During the presentation, the company showed the most powerful version of the novelty - Quadrifoglio Verde (QV). The world premiere of Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 was presented ... read more

2016 Hyundai Veloster - changes, interior, exterior
Recently, Hyundai Motor Company has presented new updated four-door hatchback - 2016 Hyundai Veloster in native country South Korea. Cosmetic changes and innovations developed by designer are noticeable in both appearance and salon of the model. Later, following presentation of 2016 Hyundai Veloster was held in Chicago, the United States. In General, 2016 Hyundai Veloster became an innovative model among small ... read more

2017 Audi R8 - exterior, price, spyder, video
German car manufacturer Audi company announced the price of supercar 2017 Audi R8 for North American market. In the United States, the sports car will cost $162,900. The base version of 2017 Audi R8 will receive an evolutionary design, including led headlights, active rear spoiler and 19-inch aluminum wheels. The cabin will be equipped with new seats with Nappa leather ... read more

2017 Ford F250 - changes, exterior, interior, video
Ford presented new pickup truck - 2017 Ford F250 at the Motor Show in Texas State, whose bodywork was made on aluminium for the first time in its history. According to Ford Motor Company press release, this innovation made 2017 Ford F250 almost 160 kg lighter than its predecessors, while increasing load capacity and maximum weight of the model. In addition, ... read more