Honda 125 Enduro

Honda 125 Enduro is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda 125 Enduro's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $1,200 to $7,850. Overall viewers rating of Honda 125 Enduro is 2 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda 125 Enduro and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda 125.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Mercedes-Benz G-Class - specs, changes, interior, video
All Mercedes-Benz G-Class models will in future offer up to 16 percent more power and lower fuel consumption. The range includes the G 500 with a new, powerful 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine. All engines are compliant with the latest Euro 6 emissions standard. A new suspension setup, together with more sensitive ESP® control results in increased driving stability, safety and ... read more

2016 Fiat 500X - design, interior, technical specs
New product of the world famous company Fiat was presented in March this year — Fiat 500 L and Fiat 500X was introduced later. This compact car is ideally suited for driving in the city. It was assumed that debut of Fiat 500X was held in 2012. However, the official presentation was held two years later. In addition, the mass production ... read more

2016 Mercedes Benz SLC - design, specs, video
The company is going to present 2016 Mercedes Benz SLC at the Detroit Motor Show which is traditionally helds after New Year. Fortunately, some information about the roadster is now available. From now, Mercedes Benz SLC has new brand concept, where the letters "SL" indicates the roadster, and "c" refers to the corresponding class. Designers decorated front bumper with dummy ... read more

2017 Renault Scenic - interior, exterior, specs, photos
At the Geneva Motor Show of 2016 debuted a new compact van 2017 Renault Scenic 4th generation which the manufacturer has decided to position it as a crossover. However, it is true that a small increase in clearance (to 170 mm) and in transition to 20-inch rims in base have hardly made this model all-terrain. The design of 2017 Renault Scenic ... read more

2017 Hyundai i30 Wagon - exterior, interior, specifications
The presentation of a new station wagon of i30 from Hyundai will take place within the annual Motor Show in Geneva in March, 2017. Currently available preliminary information on the technical equipment, exterior and interior design of 2017 Hyundai i30 Wagon. The body of the novelty is executed in modern style taking into account recent trends in automobile fashion and preferences ... read more