Honda Civic Ef

Honda Civic Ef is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Civic Ef's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $11,250 to $22,105. Overall viewers rating of Honda Civic Ef is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Civic Ef and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Civic.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Chevrolet Tahoe - msrp, redesign, engine, photos, video
Design which is already pleasant at first sight, without causing any doubt notes in a contemporary style, as well as an incredible upgrade technology – all these will be soon seen by fans of the American huge SUVs. 2015 Chevrolet Tahoe – the most real American crossover which was already clearly outdated in its previous generation. So far for those who ... read more

2015 Ford Mustang EcoBoost - specs, engine, transmission, photos
Engineers of Ford continue to admire results of the work on new Ford Mustang. Usually, speaking to the Mustang, we mean the power and speed. And style. 2.3 - liter EcoBoost is the starting lineup of engines and produces approximately 305 horsepower. Together with it works six-speed automatic transmission with possibility of choosing the operating modes: Normal, Sport and Track. Model ... read more

2015 Mitsubishi Mirage - exterior, interior, specs and video
Famous Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Company produces and sells its products worldwide quite a long time. The key success of Mitsubishi is providing a wide range of cars that are available to almost anyone purchasing a personal vehicle. The company's specialists always try to have models in each of automotive classes, so when one of the models is removed from ... read more

2016 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado - redesign, exterior, specs
Japanese company Toyota is preparing to update of its popular model - Toyota Land Cruiser Prado. The last serious restyling of SUV was held in 2013 and now there is an update on technical issues mainly: 2016 Toyota Land Cruiser Prado will get a new diesel engine 2.8 liter rated at 177 HP which will replace current 3 liter diesel ... read more

2016 Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo - concept, monster engine
2016 Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo is now more than just a fictional supercar from the console game Gran Turismo 6. For the creation of a virtual, and then the real version of the concept car stands the brand Bugatti. For fans of the Italian sports car Vision Gran Turismo became the new long-awaited milestone after quite bored Veyron model. For ... read more