Toyota Highlander 8 Passenger

Toyota Highlander 8 Passenger is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Toyota. Toyota Highlander 8 Passenger's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $29,765 to $44,140. Overall viewers rating of Toyota Highlander 8 Passenger is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Toyota Highlander 8 Passenger and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Toyota Highlander.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2017 Honda Odyssey - technical characteristics, design, price, video
A prototype of the new Honda Odyssey minivan 2017 was seen on the streets of Los Angeles. The Honda Odyssey has always been a popular model in the market due to a combination of good dynamic performance, and comfortable, spacious cabin. But in the near future, the new model will be a lot of competition from other brands, particularly Kia ... read more

2015 Cadillac Escalade - packages, interior, new design
Like its predecessor, the new 2015 Cadillac Escalade has kept kept chopped forms and sharp sides in design, but now it has another front, decorated in the style of the latest models of the company with a large grille and full LED head optics, coming on the hood. In addition, the car received a narrow vertical taillights that stretched from the roof ... read more

2016 Volkswagen Beetle - technical specs, changes, video
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2016 Fiat Tipo - design, equipment, interior, specs
In spring 2015, Italian automobile manufacturer Fiat introduced a new compact family sedan Fiat Aegea, which will be produced and sold only in Turkey. Recently, the company officially announced the release the same model under the name of Fiat Tipo for European market. By the way, a model under the same name was extremely popular in the past between 1988 ... read more

2017 Aston Martin DB11 - exterior, interior, video, specs
2017 Aston Martin DB11 - supercar manufactured by Aston Martin in 2017. Production is limited and will be produced for pre-orders only. Aston Martin has totally presented new updated model. The manufacturer traditionally for British market remained exterior and interior appearance but compared to the predecessor - Aston Martin DB9 became look much more modern with mass of new electronics. 2017 ... read more