Avia F

Avia F is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Avia. Avia F's average market price (MSRP) is found to be .... Overall viewers rating of Avia F is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Avia F and share them on social networks.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2017 Audi R8 - exterior, price, spyder, video
German car manufacturer Audi company announced the price of supercar 2017 Audi R8 for North American market. In the United States, the sports car will cost $162,900. The base version of 2017 Audi R8 will receive an evolutionary design, including led headlights, active rear spoiler and 19-inch aluminum wheels. The cabin will be equipped with new seats with Nappa leather ... read more

2017 Audi A7 - design, specs, equipment, video
German automobile company Audi reported at the press service that the second generation of Audi A7 Sportback will appear for consumers in 2017. Today, we know that the appearance of the novelty will be designed in a style of the conceptual model of Audi Prologue. The current generation of Audi A7 Sportback was presented at the Motor Show in Paris ... read more

2017 Ford F250 - changes, exterior, interior, video
Ford presented new pickup truck - 2017 Ford F250 at the Motor Show in Texas State, whose bodywork was made on aluminium for the first time in its history. According to Ford Motor Company press release, this innovation made 2017 Ford F250 almost 160 kg lighter than its predecessors, while increasing load capacity and maximum weight of the model. In addition, ... read more

2017 SUV Renault Duster - changes, release date, salon
An automobile corporation Renault has been founded by Louis Renault back in 1898 and in the same year they released their first car. During this time, the French corporation proved to be excellent in the car market and now sells its products in more than 200 countries worldwide. Cars of the Renault Duster line are known to all as the excellent ... read more

2017 Subaru Outback - touring, srvd, price, interior, video
Several months ago, Subaru presented 2016 Subaru Outback and now the Japanese company is going to introduce new version of the model - 2017 Subaru Outback.
Updated list of equipment includes optimized and re-tuned steering system and automatic switch of main-dipped head lights. Wiper blades can now also be turned on automatically.
Regarding to the technical part of 2017 Subaru Outback, ... read more