Bmw 3 Series 1997

Bmw 3 Series 1997 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw 3 Series 1997's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $33,150 to $43,000. Overall viewers rating of Bmw 3 Series 1997 is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw 3 Series 1997 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw 3 Series.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Ford Mustang EcoBoost - specs, engine, transmission, photos
Engineers of Ford continue to admire results of the work on new Ford Mustang. Usually, speaking to the Mustang, we mean the power and speed. And style. 2.3 - liter EcoBoost is the starting lineup of engines and produces approximately 305 horsepower. Together with it works six-speed automatic transmission with possibility of choosing the operating modes: Normal, Sport and Track. Model ... read more

2015 Nissan Teana - redesign, engine, photos, engine
For some, the car is just a means of transportation, but some believe it means for luxury and status. For the second class we can include the 2015 Nissan Teana 2015 Nissan Teana can boast with its excellent design not only externally, but also in respect of an interior which is seen in the photos of Nissan Teana. But let's take ... read more

2016 Ford Escape - update, dimensions, interior
Ford Escape began its production in 2000. Since then, Ford Company updated the appearance of the model as well as technical characteristics. The most changes of 2016 Ford Escape is powerful bumper and became 8 cm longer. The novelty includes 17-inch alloy wheels, but if necessary you can fit 18 and 19-inch wheels. In general, 2016 Ford Escape has quite an ... read more

2016 Mercedes-AMG C63 - new design, interior, safety system
Mercedes-Benz introduced new model - 2016 Mercedes-AMG C63. The appearance of the novelty is not a surprise, as the design is based on previous C-Class models. Compared with its predecessor, 2016 Mercedes-AMG C63 is longer by 95 mm and wider 40 mm. There are many similarities between 2016 Mercedes-AMG C63 Coupe and Sedan versions. Cars have almost the same Interior. Lots ... read more

2017 Nissan Pathfinder - redesign, salon, specs, images
On July 7 in Dallas, was presented the renewed 2017 Nissan Pathfinder. After restyling the seven-seat SUV received more courageous and aggressive appearance. In addition, the changes have affected the passenger compartment, its suspension and engine. The changes affected mainly the front part of the car body. The SUV has a new design of headlights with LED daytime running lights, fog ... read more