Bmw 328i V6

Bmw 328i V6 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw 328i V6's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $21,200 to $34,500. Overall viewers rating of Bmw 328i V6 is 5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw 328i V6 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw 328i.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Ford Mustang - redesign, engine, specs, price
Ford Mustang - a car iconic and well known to every connoisseur of sports cars. Of course, when we hear this name, primarily on our mind emerges the very first classical Mustang of 1964, which enjoyed the greatest popularity, but 50 years later - in 2014, the Ford company promise us not less important premiere. But in Europe the new ... read more

2015 Kia Cadenza - sedan, redesign, interior, photos, video
2015 Kia Cadenza is very stylish sedan with nice technical list. Design of the car is nice. You will like strict lines and big headlines of the exterior. You will also like the variety of colors you will get. Interior also looks nice. Leather seats together with well-organized system and big windows make interior look cozy and nice. By the ... read more

2015 Land Rover Discovery Sport - design, price
At the beginning of September 2014 Land Rover Company announced its new premium SUV - 2015 Land Rover Discovery Sport. The appearance of the vehicle demonstrates the desire to unify Land Rover models. Formally, new Discovery Sport replaces Land Rover Freelander, produced last 8 years. Land Rover Discovery Sport 2015 price will be between $37 070 and $45 570. Expectations ... read more

2016 BMW M2 Coupe - sports coupe, interior, exterior, price, release date
2016 BMW M2 Coupe - the "charged" two-door on the base BMW 2-Series Coupe, which replaced a previous production of the BMW 1-Series M Coupe, and is positioned as the ideological successor of the M3 (E30). The world premiere of the 2016 BMW M2 Coupe will take place at the Detroit Auto Show in 2016, and Europeans will be able ... read more

2017 Mercedes-AMG S65 - exterior, design, technical specs
In 2015, official presentation of premium convertible 2017 Mercedes-AMG S65 was given at the Frankfurt Auto Show. S-class four-seater cabriolet is equipped with powerful 12-liter engine developing 630 HP. Powerful, luxurious, impressive car clearly reminds that its manufacturer is enjoying reputation. Maximum saturated convertible version promises huge list of modern equipment and excellent technical characteristics.
2017 Mercedes-AMG S65: Exterior
2017 Mercedes-AMG ... read more