Bmw 328i Wagon

Bmw 328i Wagon is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw 328i Wagon's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $21,200 to $34,500. Overall viewers rating of Bmw 328i Wagon is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw 328i Wagon and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw 328i.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Falcon XR8 - specs, ute, redesign, video, photos
The Australian division of Ford declassified farewell restyling version of the sedan 2015 Falcon XR8, having published its image online. As stated in the company, this is the last update of the model, and it is not planned to develop new generations any more. Nevertheless, this did not prevent the company to do their best. According to them, it is ... read more

2016 Volvo XC90 T6 - changes, price, interior, video
The second generation of Swedish automobile manufacturer Volvo XC90 was introduced in 2014 after producing the first generation for 12 years. In this article, we are going to provide information about updates of 2016 Volvo XC90 T6. Volvo is going to sell the novelty in three different complete set including Momentum, Insignia and R-Design.
2016 Volvo XC90 T6: Exterior
The first ... read more

2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune - interior, exterior, video
Volkswagen introduced 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune at the Auto Show in Los Angeles. Model has bright design, 18-inch alloy wheels and increased ground clearance. Body of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune will be Coupe and convertible. The exterior and Interior were developed in a completely new way. Powerful, confident character of the car emphasized in the front part using the large central ... read more

2017 Lexus LC 500 - release, specs, price
2017 Lexus LC 500 is a new sports coupe from the Japanese automaker, the world premiere of which took place at the Detroit Auto Show in the beginning of 2016. The prototype for the new items served concept LF-LC, which is shown here, but four years ago in 2012. If you look at the exterior of the new 2017 Lexus ... read more

2016 Volkswagen Passat - specs, interior, equipment, hybrid
Comfortable sports car 2016 Volkswagen Passat has already appeared in the market. The novelty boasts with magnificent dynamic characteristics and range of powerful engines. Overall appearance has undergone minor changes, becoming more attractive. The model is made on MQB platform.
2016 Volkswagen Passat: Complete Set
2016 Volkswagen Passat goes on sale with lots of exclusive options. Basic equipment set includes following:
- electric ... read more