Bmw E46 325xi

Bmw E46 325xi is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw E46 325xi's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $33,150 to $43,000. Overall viewers rating of Bmw E46 325xi is 5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw E46 325xi and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw E46.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Jaguar XF - interior, exterior changes, video
British automaker Jaguar producing "E" class sedans since 1930s. Among these vehicles, you can consider legendary S-Type and Mark 2 models. Nowadays, Jaguar represents "E" class sedans with index XF. This car is produced since 2007 and now it is time to present the second generation of Jaguar XF. 2016 Jaguar XF retained its corporate silhouette and it is visually slightly ... read more

2016 Mitsubishi Outlander - updates, interior, price, video
At the auto show in Los Angeles 2015 took place a premiere of the updated 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander. Restyling of this model Japanese have with an enviable regularity, modifying the technique, then refreshing the appearance of the car. This time, the 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander went down the second path, having received the revised exterior, superior salon and an extensive list ... read more

2017 Mercedes-AMG S65 - exterior, design, technical specs
In 2015, official presentation of premium convertible 2017 Mercedes-AMG S65 was given at the Frankfurt Auto Show. S-class four-seater cabriolet is equipped with powerful 12-liter engine developing 630 HP. Powerful, luxurious, impressive car clearly reminds that its manufacturer is enjoying reputation. Maximum saturated convertible version promises huge list of modern equipment and excellent technical characteristics.
2017 Mercedes-AMG S65: Exterior
2017 Mercedes-AMG ... read more

2017 Hyundai Grand Santa Fe - improved desing, new engine, interior
At the Chicago Auto Show in 2016 debuted the updated SUV from the Hyundai company 2017 Grand Santa Fe, which received retouched appearance and improved design. Exterior of the new restyled Hyundai Grand Santa Fe got a new bumper, retouched lighting fixtures, a vertical row of diode running lamps in the sections of anti-fog linghtings and a modified grille with ... read more

2017 Honda Ridgeline - changes, exterior, interior, video
Another representative of Japanese automotive industry - Honda contributes in the line of pickups with 2017 Honda Ridgeline. North American branch of Honda Motor Company announced about start of serial production of the second generation of Honda Ridgeline. The novelty is designed on the basis of full-size crossover Honda Pilot third generation and 2017 Honda Ridgeline pickup replaces its the ... read more