Bmw E90 318i
Bmw E90 318i is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw E90 318i's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $36,000 to $62,000. Overall viewers rating of Bmw E90 318i is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw E90 318i and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw E90.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017
2015 Ford F-150 - design, technical characteristics, interior, video
Last year at Detroit Auto show, there was a presentation of completely redesigned Ford F-150 13-th generation. The F-150 pickup is the United States auto industry legend and the best selling car in the US for the past 32 years. The F series pickup truck originally appeared in 1948. For such a large period of automotive history 12 generations were introduced ... read more
2016 Audi A3 Sportback - specifications, interior and video
The German automaker announced the release of 2016 Audi A3 Sportback which would be presented at the exhibition in New York Auto Show in summer 2016 and the novelty will join to the line-up of legendary Audi A3 family. 2016 Audi A3 Sportback is the first five-door hatchback in the world which by design and technical characteristics looks like more powerful ... read more
2016 Lamborghini Huracan - specs, exterior, video
The company Lamborghini introduced its open modification supercar - 2016 Lamborghini Huracan. The model was declassified in less than a day before an opening public premiere at the Motor Show in Frankfurt. Now, 2016 Lamborghini Huracan has soft top, which with help of electro-hydraulic drive might be closed in 17 seconds at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. According ... read more
2016 Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo - concept, monster engine
2016 Bugatti Vision Gran Turismo is now more than just a fictional supercar from the console game Gran Turismo 6. For the creation of a virtual, and then the real version of the concept car stands the brand Bugatti. For fans of the Italian sports car Vision Gran Turismo became the new long-awaited milestone after quite bored Veyron model. For ... read more
2016 Volvo V90 Estate - changes, specs, video
The history of popular Swedish model - Volvo V90 starts in 1996, when it was first demonstrated in wagon body style, replacing Volvo 960. Engineers mostly concentrated on changes in the cabin and improving various systems: numerous interior trim options, the system that alerts about traffic conditions, automatic and quiet air conditioner, power steering, anti-lock system and so on. Car lovers ... read more