Bmw I8 12v

Bmw I8 12v is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand BMW. Bmw I8 12v's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $140,700 to $146,200. Overall viewers rating of Bmw I8 12v is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Bmw I8 12v and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Bmw I8.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Mitsubishi Mirage - exterior, interior, specs and video
Famous Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Company produces and sells its products worldwide quite a long time. The key success of Mitsubishi is providing a wide range of cars that are available to almost anyone purchasing a personal vehicle. The company's specialists always try to have models in each of automotive classes, so when one of the models is removed from ... read more

2016 Ford Escape - update, dimensions, interior
Ford Escape began its production in 2000. Since then, Ford Company updated the appearance of the model as well as technical characteristics. The most changes of 2016 Ford Escape is powerful bumper and became 8 cm longer. The novelty includes 17-inch alloy wheels, but if necessary you can fit 18 and 19-inch wheels. In general, 2016 Ford Escape has quite an ... read more

2016 Volkswagen Jetta - changes, exterior, price, video
The sixth generation of popular c-class sedan Volkswagen Jetta has appeared on the road in 2011 and was restyled in 2015. In General, 2016 Volkswagen Jetta retained its tradition with strict body contours having attractive appearance and becoming modern car.
2016 Volkswagen Jetta: Exterior
2016 Volkswagen Jetta received updated front bumper, grille and optionallly head adaptive optics. To improve the aerodynamics ... read more

2017 Volkswagen Touareg - design, changes, engine, video
After two years, Volkswagen is going to present new (the third) generation of its crossover Volkswagen Touareg. It is known that 2017 Volkswagen Touareg will be little larger than its predecessor and will be able to accommodate up to seven passengers including the driver, while the current version of Volkswagen Touareg fits five people. World premiere of 2017 Volkswagen Touareg ... read more

2017 Honda Accord Hybrid - specifications, new salon, redesign
Let us remind that the model was officially presented in April 2016. This version has a new power plant and more modern equipment and facilities. As mentioned above the design of 2017 Honda Accord Hybrid has become more stylish and dynamic. Both have undergone restyling bumper, front and rear, the novelty received an updated fascia grille. Headlights are made by LED ... read more