Ford Gt90 Concept

Ford Gt90 Concept is the epitome of sports style, performance, appearance and technical excellence produced by the American company Ford founded by Henry Ford. You can find Ford Gt90 Concept at price range $149,900 - $397,500 based on its modification and model year. Also, here you will find reviews and news about Ford Gt90 Concept with prices and specifications, as well as ratings of the owners. More info about Ford Gt90 Concept is here - Ford GT.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Ford Expedition - description, changes, interior, price
Indeed, Ford Expedition model for a long time are asking for an update, but the company didn't make up the mind to this step in any way. It is absolutely not clear for which reasons, but so far sales did not become catastrophic, even the SUV did not receive the minimum restyling. But nevertheless the situation in the market moved the ... read more

2016 Ford Focus Rs - photos, video, tech specs, interior
Ford after successful sale of Ford Focus Rs in 2013 and 2014, Ford is keen to introduce outstanding hatchback sportcar with better desing and engine. 2016 Ford Focus Rs will be used on the 320-strong "charged" hatchback Focus RS latest generation in its other models. Hatchback with the prefix RS presented in the format of the online premiere. In parallel, the ... read more

2016 GMC Yukon - design, technical characteristics, price, engine
In the last several years, GMC SUVs have became very popular around the world. In order to satisfy consumer need, GMC is redesigning exicting models to cope the technology. As 2015 GMC Yukon sale is very successful in the USA as well as Europe, GMC is keen to manufacture new redisign models and verions of 2016 GMC Yukon to keep ... read more

2015 Nissan Teana - redesign, engine, photos, engine
For some, the car is just a means of transportation, but some believe it means for luxury and status. For the second class we can include the 2015 Nissan Teana 2015 Nissan Teana can boast with its excellent design not only externally, but also in respect of an interior which is seen in the photos of Nissan Teana. But let's take ... read more

2017 Nissan Armada - changes, interior, exterior, release date
2017 Nissan Armada - the second generation of the large SUV, which is sold in North America. But if the first generation of the SUV was built on the basis of the local Titan pickup, now this model is almost an exact copy of the Nissan Patrol 6. New Nissan Armada 2 agreed to deliver to the United States from ... read more