Honda Cb 400 Four

Honda Cb 400 Four is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Cb 400 Four's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $2,500 to $11,000. Overall viewers rating of Honda Cb 400 Four is 2 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Cb 400 Four and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Cb.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Ford Expedition - description, changes, interior, price
Indeed, Ford Expedition model for a long time are asking for an update, but the company didn't make up the mind to this step in any way. It is absolutely not clear for which reasons, but so far sales did not become catastrophic, even the SUV did not receive the minimum restyling. But nevertheless the situation in the market moved the ... read more

2016 Chevrolet Captiva - changes, design, exterior, interior
The current generation of Chevrolet Captiva has survived the third restyling in its history. The updated crossover was presented at the motor show in Dubai. However, new design was stayed unnoticed and there are little information about redesigned crossover on the internet. As official pictures of 2016 Chevrolet Captiva are very few, it is difficult to disscuss novelty in detail. The ... read more

2017 Ford Escape - exterior, interior, specs, video
The world presentation of 2017 Ford Escape took place at the Motor Show in Los Angeles and sales of the updated crossover at the native American market began immediately after the show, while European consumers should wait for a while to purchase 2017 Ford Escape. The price of the model on preliminary data will cost between 23 600 and 29 ... read more

2017 Porsche Cayman - design, specs, video, price
One of the most popular models of Porsche will have new generation by the end of next year and the manufacturer is already actively testing a new platform. 2017 Porsche Cayman will be a close technological relative with not only Audi Q7, but also Bentley Bentayga. There are already some spy photos, which you can easly see new generation of Porsche ... read more

2017 Fiat Mobi - price, specs, modifications
The Fiat company has developed the small city car which has received the name Mobi for the Brazilian market. Dimensions of the basic version of the model is 3,566 mm, 1,633 mm and 1,490 mm in length, width and height respectively. Top modifications of 2017 Fiat Mobi are equipped with a bodywork, therefore slightly larger dimensions: 3,596 mm long, 1,685 ... read more