Honda Civic 18

Honda Civic 18 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Civic 18's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $11,250 to $22,105. Overall viewers rating of Honda Civic 18 is 5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Civic 18 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Civic.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Mercedes-Benz G-Class - specs, changes, interior, video
All Mercedes-Benz G-Class models will in future offer up to 16 percent more power and lower fuel consumption. The range includes the G 500 with a new, powerful 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine. All engines are compliant with the latest Euro 6 emissions standard. A new suspension setup, together with more sensitive ESP® control results in increased driving stability, safety and ... read more

2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS - changes, price, specs
The debut of new 2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS held in May 2015. The sixth generation of the legendary American model was developed almost from scratch, but it is true that designers did not changed appearance seriously. Previous generation of Chevrolet Camaro was built on Zeta platform, developed by Holden which was intended for release of full-size sedans and Alpha platform was ... read more

2016 Lamborghini Huracan - specs, exterior, video
The company Lamborghini introduced its open modification supercar - 2016 Lamborghini Huracan. The model was declassified in less than a day before an opening public premiere at the Motor Show in Frankfurt. Now, 2016 Lamborghini Huracan has soft top, which with help of electro-hydraulic drive might be closed in 17 seconds at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. According ... read more

2017 Mercedes-AMG E 43 4MATIC - engine, interior, exterior
The new sedan Mercedes-Benz E-Class W213 got "heated" modification of 43 E 4MATIC, the premiere of which will take place at the New York International Auto Show. At the same time the original engine for the E-Class car was a little modernized. Recall that the company is already presented Mercedes-AMG C 43 and SLC 43 Roadster, which are equipped with ... read more

2017 Subaru Outback - touring, srvd, price, interior, video
Several months ago, Subaru presented 2016 Subaru Outback and now the Japanese company is going to introduce new version of the model - 2017 Subaru Outback.
Updated list of equipment includes optimized and re-tuned steering system and automatic switch of main-dipped head lights. Wiper blades can now also be turned on automatically.
Regarding to the technical part of 2017 Subaru Outback, ... read more