Honda Civic Fd

Honda Civic Fd is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Civic Fd's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $11,250 to $22,105. Overall viewers rating of Honda Civic Fd is 3 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Civic Fd and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Civic.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Cadillac ATS - design, interior, engine
The formula of an ideal sport luxury sedan include beautiful appearance, luxurious finish, powerful unit and individual traits. 2015 Cadillac ATS is an example of such sedan. Cadillac ATS 2015 is a compact sedan of Cadillac, which produces only for premium class customers. For the first time Cadillac ATS was presented as a concept car in 2009. At the beginning of 2012, ... read more

2016 Nissan Maxima - release date, price, interior, specs, photos
Back in February, the world could see the first photos of the expected novelty 2016 Nissan Maxima. The car of the eighth generation has the A36 index. However, the first world presentation of this sports car was held at the recent New York Auto Show 2015. The manufacturer promised that the novelty will have features similar to the concept of ... read more

2017 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport - new look, engine, release date
The premier of 3rd generation of Mitsubishi Pajero Sport was held August 1, 2015 in Thailand. In fact, the popular crossover for the first time over the past 7 years has undergone a global update, dramatically change the appearance, interior design, optional content and technical equipment of the model. New 2017 Mitsubishi Pajero Sport will be sold in Thailand this ... read more

2017 Chevrolet Camaro SS - 1LE package, interior, changes
High-performance sports car 2017 Chevrolet Camaro SS is going to be presented by American company at the Motor Show in Chicago, which is planned to be held on February 11-12th 2016. New 1LE package will be offered only on 2017 Chevrolet Camaro SS with V8 engines for the first time and 2017 Chevrolet Camaro V6 engine. The package includes enhanced ... read more

2017 Hyundai i30 Wagon - exterior, interior, specifications
The presentation of a new station wagon of i30 from Hyundai will take place within the annual Motor Show in Geneva in March, 2017. Currently available preliminary information on the technical equipment, exterior and interior design of 2017 Hyundai i30 Wagon. The body of the novelty is executed in modern style taking into account recent trends in automobile fashion and preferences ... read more