Honda Crx 1990

Honda Crx 1990 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Crx 1990's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $1,600 to $5,850. Overall viewers rating of Honda Crx 1990 is 5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Crx 1990 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Crx.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Ford F-150 - design, technical characteristics, interior, video
Last year at Detroit Auto show, there was a presentation of completely redesigned Ford F-150 13-th generation. The F-150 pickup is the United States auto industry legend and the best selling car in the US for the past 32 years. The F series pickup truck originally appeared in 1948. For such a large period of automotive history 12 generations were introduced ... read more

2015 Mitsubishi Mirage - exterior, interior, specs and video
Famous Japanese car manufacturer Mitsubishi Company produces and sells its products worldwide quite a long time. The key success of Mitsubishi is providing a wide range of cars that are available to almost anyone purchasing a personal vehicle. The company's specialists always try to have models in each of automotive classes, so when one of the models is removed from ... read more

2017 Honda Ridgeline - changes, exterior, interior, video
Another representative of Japanese automotive industry - Honda contributes in the line of pickups with 2017 Honda Ridgeline. North American branch of Honda Motor Company announced about start of serial production of the second generation of Honda Ridgeline. The novelty is designed on the basis of full-size crossover Honda Pilot third generation and 2017 Honda Ridgeline pickup replaces its the ... read more

2017 Renault Grand Scenic - cabin, redesign, multimedia
In May 2016, the Frenchmen presented the compact van Renault Grand Scenic 4th generation, the world premiere will be held in the autumn at home showroom for the company in Paris. This car has joined Renault Scenic 4 presented earlier. A larger version of the model with the prefix "grand" in the name may be in the five- and seven-seat versions. ... read more

2017 BMW X5 - release, exterior, price, specs
BMW is going to introduce new generation of popular crossover BMW X5 in 2017. Managing director of the Australian branch Mark Werner has mentioned about the novelty during an interview with Motoring. Price of 2017 BMW X5 is expected to be in the range between $50,000 - $70,000. However, price of the base complete set of the new generation of ... read more