Honda Integra Dc1

Honda Integra Dc1 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Integra Dc1's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $34,900 to $1,990. Overall viewers rating of Honda Integra Dc1 is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Integra Dc1 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Integra.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Lexus LX 570 - premium suv, stronger engine, photos, video
The car, which is considered to be the undisputed leader in its narrow premium segment, can not lose the interest of the public at the time of renewal. In 2015, expensive Japanese brand starts to release new Lexus LX 570 to refresh its the richest offer in the model lineup. The novelty in the SUV class will soon appear in ... read more

2016 Infiniti QX60 - exterior, interior, specs, video
Large seven-seated crossover 2016 Infiniti QX60 formerly known as Infinity JX35, updated for the first time under the new name. Infinity representatives revealed information about its new brand before New Year and the official presentation of the novelty takes place at the Detroit Motor Show in January. Crossover 2016 Infiniti QX60 boasts in all aspects: exterior design, interior decoration, technical ... read more

2017 Lincoln MKZ - changes, interior, equipment, video
North American premium cars manufacturer presented an updated 2017 Lincoln MKZ at the Los Angeles Auto Show 2015. The model was radically changed the front part of the body, which is performed in the style of Continental concept. Thus, 2017 Lincoln MKZ has new headlights, bumper, hood, front fenders and false radiator grille. Interior of 2017 Lincoln MKZ also received a ... read more

2017 Ford Explorer - interior, exterior, modifications
Ford Explorer is an SUV, sales of which started back in 1991. Even in those days the model was not from the category of cheap, but it immediately attracted the motorists with spacious salon and the powerful engine, having become extremely popular. Today on roads we can see the fifth generation of the SUV already, and very soon, on the ... read more

2017 Subaru Impreza - photos, video, changes, specs
The fifth generation of Subaru Impreza sedan and hatchback were officially introduced in New York Auto Show in March 2016. During the presentation, the manufacturer gave information about technical characteristics of the updated model, illustrating by photos and videos. The appearance of 2017 Subaru Impreza models are significantly different from the previous generation and they may remind you the prototype ... read more