Honda Mb

Honda Mb is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Mb's average market price (MSRP) is found to be .... Overall viewers rating of Honda Mb is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Mb and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda models.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Nissan Maxima - release date, price, interior, specs, photos
Back in February, the world could see the first photos of the expected novelty 2016 Nissan Maxima. The car of the eighth generation has the A36 index. However, the first world presentation of this sports car was held at the recent New York Auto Show 2015. The manufacturer promised that the novelty will have features similar to the concept of ... read more

2016 Chevrolet Captiva - changes, design, exterior, interior
The current generation of Chevrolet Captiva has survived the third restyling in its history. The updated crossover was presented at the motor show in Dubai. However, new design was stayed unnoticed and there are little information about redesigned crossover on the internet. As official pictures of 2016 Chevrolet Captiva are very few, it is difficult to disscuss novelty in detail. The ... read more

2017 Citroen C4 Picasso and 2017 Citroen Grand C4 Picasso
The Citroen company has updated 2017 Citroen C4 Picasso, as well as its seven-seater modification 2017 Citroen Grand C4 Picasso. Restyled versions have received a modified front part of the body, tail lights with 3D effect, 17-inch alloy wheels and an extended color palette. The motor scale of 2017 Citroen C4 Picasso enriched with 1.2-liter engine of a family PureTech. This ... read more

2017 Honda Accord Hybrid - specifications, new salon, redesign
Let us remind that the model was officially presented in April 2016. This version has a new power plant and more modern equipment and facilities. As mentioned above the design of 2017 Honda Accord Hybrid has become more stylish and dynamic. Both have undergone restyling bumper, front and rear, the novelty received an updated fascia grille. Headlights are made by LED ... read more

2017 Volkswagen Crafter - van, versions, specs, interior, exterior
The official premiere of the commercial van 2017 Volkswagen Crafter of a new generation is planned for the end of September 2016. So far known only preliminary information about the novelty of the German company. Exterior of the wagon is executed in accordance with the corporate style Volkswagen. In appearance the new German van traced traditional austerity and minimalism, there ... read more