Honda Wave Modified

Honda Wave Modified is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Honda. Honda Wave Modified's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $1,200 to $2,750. Overall viewers rating of Honda Wave Modified is 3 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Honda Wave Modified and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Honda Wave.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2015 Ford Fiesta - design, interior, technical characteristics, video
Not everyone wants to drive crossovers or SUVs. Some people still prefer compact cars with low fuel consumption and low weight. Today, I will talk about this compact car - the new Ford Fiesta 2015. I can remind Ford fans, that the first Fiesta appeared in 1972. Until now, the design elements of the first models have been more modernized. ... read more

2015 Kia Cadenza - sedan, redesign, interior, photos, video
2015 Kia Cadenza is very stylish sedan with nice technical list. Design of the car is nice. You will like strict lines and big headlines of the exterior. You will also like the variety of colors you will get. Interior also looks nice. Leather seats together with well-organized system and big windows make interior look cozy and nice. By the ... read more

2015 Opel Corsa OPC - exterior, specs, wheels, photos
Germans prepared the updated sports hatchback of 2015 Opel Corsa OPC the spring Motor Show (Geneva 2015). The new Opel Corsa combined sports athleticism and every chance on daily use, having installed a new engine and a revised exterior design. The spacious interior and the famous comfort based on the brand rules have not been affected. 2015 Opel Corsa OPC: Exterior The ... read more

2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS - changes, price, specs
The debut of new 2016 Chevrolet Camaro SS held in May 2015. The sixth generation of the legendary American model was developed almost from scratch, but it is true that designers did not changed appearance seriously. Previous generation of Chevrolet Camaro was built on Zeta platform, developed by Holden which was intended for release of full-size sedans and Alpha platform was ... read more

2017 Renault Megane 4 - exterior, interior, specs
The fourth generation of Renault Megane was presented as 3-door hatchback at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2015 and recently, French company has releaved the upcoming 2017 sedan version of Renault Megane 4 which was previously popular under the name of Fluence. It was not required so much time for Renault company to present the same model with sedan ... read more