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PSA Peugeot Citroen starts producing pickups

31 Mar 2016 4573views
Peugeot citroen pickup

In the last couple of years, the demand for pickups increased dramatically, especially in the USA. Due to this statistics, PSA Peugeot Citroen group is planning to introduce its own new pickup model to the public. In the upcoming days, PSA Peugeot Citroen is going to present its development plan for 6 years in a special event. It can be assumed that French alliance will give presentation about new pickup development there. Information about new PSA Peugeot Citroen pickup will be revealed soon.

So far, there are very few details about the pickup. Likely, the company can create pickup together with Toyota Motor Company whose experience on these sphere is wide. In case of this situation, the model can be based on Toyota Hilux platform. There is also a view that in the process of creation of French pickup will involved Fiat, that recently introduced model - Fiat Fullback, which is based on Mitsubishi L200 pickup.