Nissan Patrol 1984

Nissan Patrol 1984 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Nissan. Nissan Patrol 1984's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $48,300 to $56,500. Overall viewers rating of Nissan Patrol 1984 is 5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Nissan Patrol 1984 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Nissan Patrol.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Cadillac CTS-V - aggressive design, high-tech interior, powerful v-8 engine, price
Premium 5-meter Cadillac CTS-V sedan is updated to the 2016 model year, with the highest performance in the entire 112-year history of the brand. Besides the 640 hp engine the car is equipped with a fast 8-speed box, a steady sporting drive with adaptive suspension and considerably changed in appearance in the style of the latest models of the automaker. 2016 Cadillac ... read more

2016 Mercedes-Benz G-Class - specs, changes, interior, video
All Mercedes-Benz G-Class models will in future offer up to 16 percent more power and lower fuel consumption. The range includes the G 500 with a new, powerful 4.0-litre V8 biturbo engine. All engines are compliant with the latest Euro 6 emissions standard. A new suspension setup, together with more sensitive ESP® control results in increased driving stability, safety and ... read more

2016 Audi A3 Sportback - specifications, interior and video
The German automaker announced the release of 2016 Audi A3 Sportback which would be presented at the exhibition in New York Auto Show in summer 2016 and the novelty will join to the line-up of legendary Audi A3 family. 2016 Audi A3 Sportback is the first five-door hatchback in the world which by design and technical characteristics looks like more powerful ... read more

2017 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque Convertible - photos, video
In anticipation of Los Angeles Auto Show 2015 starting in the second half of November of 2015 the British producer of premium cars of Land Rover introduced the open version of the SUV Evoque - 2017 Land Rover Range Rover Evoque Convertible. The novelty is interesting with that it has practically no analogs in the world automobile market. The new ... read more

2016 BMW 330e - plug-in hybrid car, low CO2 emission
2016 BMW 330e - a super-economical hybrid sedan modification of BMW 3 series F30, which debuted at the press event helding on 25 to 29 January 2016, on home soil (Garching/Munich, Bavaria). The composition of the hybrid powerplant of the new BMW 330e consists a gasoline 2.0-liter turbomotor with capacity of 184 hp, the electric engine of 88 hp (total ... read more