Nissan Pulsar Nx 1987

Nissan Pulsar Nx 1987 is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Nissan. Nissan Pulsar Nx 1987's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $26,990 to $42,500. Overall viewers rating of Nissan Pulsar Nx 1987 is 4 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Nissan Pulsar Nx 1987 and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Nissan Pulsar.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 - exterior, interior, specs
On June 24th 2015, Alfa Romeo officially presented the company's brand new sedan - Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 in Milan at 105 anniversary of Italian brand which goes to European "D" class category. During the presentation, the company showed the most powerful version of the novelty - Quadrifoglio Verde (QV). The world premiere of Alfa Romeo Giulia 2016 was presented ... read more

2016 Mercedes Benz SLC - design, specs, video
The company is going to present 2016 Mercedes Benz SLC at the Detroit Motor Show which is traditionally helds after New Year. Fortunately, some information about the roadster is now available. From now, Mercedes Benz SLC has new brand concept, where the letters "SL" indicates the roadster, and "c" refers to the corresponding class. Designers decorated front bumper with dummy ... read more

2016 Opel Mokka - exterior, design, specs
Opel compact crossover - Opel Mokka was debuted in March 2012 when new model was first demonstrated to the public at the Motor Show in Geneva. The novelty immediately relished car lovers with 20 000 pre-orders. The key to the success of 2016 Opel Mokka is having modern and stylish look, perfectly organized interior with high-quality materials with list of options, ... read more

2017 Honda CR-V - release, exterior, equipment, video
Last year in Spring, 2017 Honda CR-V was introduced for European market. Updated crossover Honda CR-V whose exterior slightly redesigned from 2015-2016 Honda CR-V. Changes include new multimedia complex, advanced security systems, new engines with gearboxes, modified steering and suspension settings, improved sound and insulation, expanded color palette of the body, and increased alloy wheels. The exterior of crossover 2017 ... read more

2017 Renault Grand Scenic - cabin, redesign, multimedia
In May 2016, the Frenchmen presented the compact van Renault Grand Scenic 4th generation, the world premiere will be held in the autumn at home showroom for the company in Paris. This car has joined Renault Scenic 4 presented earlier. A larger version of the model with the prefix "grand" in the name may be in the five- and seven-seat versions. ... read more