Toyota Corolla 160i

Toyota Corolla 160i is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Toyota. Toyota Corolla 160i's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $17,230 to $23,055. Overall viewers rating of Toyota Corolla 160i is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Toyota Corolla 160i and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Toyota Corolla.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Chevrolet SS - changes, specs, video
American multinational corporation GM formally presented the updated sport sedan 2016 Chevrolet SS. Design of the model received minor changes, which now became more aggressive than its previous version. Updated sedan 2016 Chevrolet SS has a new front look, consisting of modified bumper with vertical vent, extra chrome trim, LED lights and restyled 19-inch aluminum alloy wheels. According to the representatives ... read more

2016 Hyundai Santa Fe - design, exterior, interior, video
Many brand were presented their novelties at the Frankfurt Auto Show in 2015. The Korean manufacturer Hyundai was not sitting on the sidelines during exibition and presented an updated 2016 Hyundai Santa Fe. Compared to the last version, the model has undergone a minor but important changes that will appreciate many car lovers. 2016 Hyundai Santa Fe competitors can ... read more

2017 Subaru Impreza - photos, video, changes, specs
The fifth generation of Subaru Impreza sedan and hatchback were officially introduced in New York Auto Show in March 2016. During the presentation, the manufacturer gave information about technical characteristics of the updated model, illustrating by photos and videos. The appearance of 2017 Subaru Impreza models are significantly different from the previous generation and they may remind you the prototype ... read more

2017 Subaru XV - interior, exterior, specification, photos
Japanese automobile company Subaru has recently announced entirely new - namely, a fully updated version of 2017 Subaru XV. Total changes constitute 80% of all the qualities and functions of the car. The new suspension bracket, modernization of a steering wheel, a modifed noise isolation, modern hardware and more other innovations, presented this year. Big changes also undergone the interior ... read more

2017 Fiat Spider - price, exterior, interior, specs
Fiat Spider is ready to receive new design after a half-century which was produced in 1966 for the first time. Presentation of the new version of the roadster was held at the Motor Show in Los Angeles. Unlike its predecessor, which had a passenger layout "2+2", 2017 Fiat Spider will have exclusively for two passengers. 2017 Fiat Spider was created ... read more