Volkswagen Golf I Gti

Volkswagen Golf I Gti is one of the best models produced by the outstanding brand Volkswagen. Volkswagen Golf I Gti's average market price (MSRP) is found to be from $18,495 to $27,425. Overall viewers rating of Volkswagen Golf I Gti is 4.5 out of 5. Also, on this page you can enjoy seeing the best photos of Volkswagen Golf I Gti and share them on social networks. To get more information about the model go to Volkswagen Golf.
Featured Reviews 2016-2017

2016 Ford Expedition - description, changes, interior, price
Indeed, Ford Expedition model for a long time are asking for an update, but the company didn't make up the mind to this step in any way. It is absolutely not clear for which reasons, but so far sales did not become catastrophic, even the SUV did not receive the minimum restyling. But nevertheless the situation in the market moved the ... read more

2015 Jeep Renegade - design, technical characteristics, engine, price
For the first time a conceptual version of a new Jeep was shown in 2008 at the North American International auto show. Since then, there have been rumors that Jeep is preparing a model of an SUV. The car has received several names - Junior, Jeepster and Laredo. However, the model was called Renegade. By the standards of SUVs is a very modest ... read more

2016 Mercedes GLC - design, interior, engine, video
Mercedes-Benz released the second generation of middle class SUV 2016 Mercedes GLC at the market which was debuted at the auto show in New York in 2016. 2016 Mercedes GLC is reduced fuel consumption by 19%, equipped by multi-chamber air suspension Air Body Control, advanced control system of dynamic characteristics - Dynamic Select and 4MATIC all-wheel-drive system. Technically, 2016 Mercedes ... read more

2017 Toyota Supra - redesign, release date, price
Japanese auto giant company Toyota together with German concern BMW are going to reanimate popular model Toyota Supra, which was first introduced in 2002. According to many fans of this sports car, Toyota Supra had not to be removed from production. The presentation of 2017 Toyota Supra is planned to 2017. The name of the sports car was not announced ... read more

2017 Porsche Panamera - price, exterior, specs, video
New generation of Porsche Panamera was announced at the end of June 2016. The official premiere of 2017 Porsche Panamera will be held in autumn this year at the Auto Show in Paris. Restyled hatchback has received updated bumper, head optics, large roof, doors in modified forms, three-dimensional taillights and renewed trunk lid with built-in retractable spoiler. The price of ... read more